Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Umu's Blog

College !!!!!!!!!!!!!

       I am trying very hard not be to be stressed about college application deadlines. I HAVE SO MUCH TO DO.  It's like there's no break Mon-Fri, on Sat-Sun i would like to relax however I have a lot to do as well. Theres no break , no me time, at this point I am reaching a breaking point. I'm missing some class work for some classes. I don't know how to  manage, organize and meet deadlines.  I need to learn how to be proficient in these three things for my benefit.

        Okay , first i will tackle how manage my time, but what do I do first, last ? What about friend management ?  HE is not in this school anymore so there's no way I can blame him for being distracted from my studies. OK let's go back to management. School work v. College deadlines , which should be my priority ? they are both important but college deadlines are more important right ? I can always talk to a teacher for an extension but not colleges. OK how about this , 7th period , do all homework unless you're doing work for Ms.Lall. Then when you get home you can do college stuff. And as for friends , socialize when you see them , they aren't a priority.

       Now, ORGANIZATION . Your book bag should only have things you NEED. Don't exhaust yourself trying to hold on to unnecessary shit. First , get a planner AND USE IT.  Give yourself a schedule, meet your own deadlines.  Last, Meeting deadlines, use your planner to be organized so you know when things are due .  And with prioritization , you can do important things ahead of time !